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Media Center Home

Welcome to Bethel Elementary School's Media Center

Kiersten Eury, Media Coordinator


The mission of the Bethel Elementary School media center is to enable students to navigate the information landscape by providing innovative resources that inspire critical thinking and digital literacy. The school library media specialist integrates unique skills in innovative resource management and fosters a love for literature.


Our vision at the Bethel Elementary School media center is to create a dynamic learning environment where students are equipped with creativity, critical thinking, and 21st-century skills, inspiring them to become lifelong learners and active community contributors.

Open Checkout

  • Daily from 7:45 am – 8:10 am
  • Students must ask their teacher before coming to the media center


  • Student IDs (nametags) are required to check out books
  • Students may not check out new books if there are fines for lost or damaged books on their accounts
  • Books are due two weeks after the initial checkout date. Students may renew book(s) they’re still reading before the books are overdue.
  • Books that are past one month overdue will become fines on students’ accounts unless the book is returned. This will allow us to purchase new copies of lost books.
  • The maximum number of books students may have out at a time is dependent upon grade level: 
    • Kindergarten: 1
    • 1st – 3rd Grades: 2
    • 4th & 5th Grades: 3

Search our library collection!


Paying Library Fees

Resource Reconsideration Policy & Procedures

5th Grade Career Research


Worksheet Options:


Finished Early? Choose one activity from the choices below! 

Careers Choice Board


Paws in Jobland

Learn about more careers in a fun, interactive way!

A cartoon puppy stands on a globe with the words 'Paws in Jobland' in the background.



Careers Crossword Puzzle (Digital)

Test your knowledge of careers with this digital crossword puzzle!

A blank crossword puzzle with the title 'Careers' at the top.



Careers Library Books Feedback

Look through the bucket of library books on table #7 about careers and give suggestions for books that should be ordered! 

A stack of colorful books on a shelf, with a red book leaning against them.


TypingClub (through Clever)

Learn how to type to prepare you for future jobs / careers!

A cartoon character with black hair and a blue shirt holds a keyboard, with the text 'TypingClub' below.